Aries Monthly Horoscope
December 2024
We believe that much of the success lies in our ability to deny our emotions, put them in a safe, pretend that certain things do not affect us but all we do is make things more difficult for us. We cannot live without bottom and surface being the same, without the will and intentions pointing to the same direction. This month you will be exposed more than once. They'll discover yourself, and you'll recognize that the old gadgets are no longer working, and it's time to live transparent in front of those you care about. It's time to take what's in the bottom. Uranus will have patience with you, and from your Sky it demands that express what you have hidden. No more mysteries, no more second thoughts. You must say what you enclose in your heart, and that is the beginning of your liberation. So this is going to be hard for you, lover of intimacy: you'll be forced to excessive living with family or friends, probably a short illness or an unexpected move. And in these circumstances, it becomes inevitable to bring out what we are truly feeling. In love, you're going to be exposed, probably due to a relationship that will not go quite right (though you try to hide it and not give it importance). It's good to feel, even the bad, it is what makes us grow and frees us. Do not worry about loneliness: At mid-month, around the 15th, there will be good news if you're considering a success of a relationship and want to establish a lasting and unbreakable bond, Venus grants you the ability to know if you are where must be or not, and if you should say yes or no. Do not fear undressing: this is how everyone will see your true dimension.
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